Design of Public Spaces
The Design of Public Spaces will focus on removing barriers in two areas:
Public spaces, and
Enhancements to accessibility in buildings will happen at a later date through Ontario's Building Code, which governs any new construction
or renovations in buildings. The standard for the design of public spaces only applies to new construction and major changes to existing
Here are the highlights of what the standard covers:
Recreational trails/beach access routes
Outdoor public eating areas like rest stops or picnic areas
Outdoor play spaces, like playgrounds in provincial parks and local communities
Outdoor paths of travel, like sidewalks, ramps, stairs, curb ramps, rest areas and accessible pedestrian signals
Accessible parking (on and off street)
Service-related elements like service counters, fixed queuing lines and waiting areas
Maintenance and restoration of public spaces.
While this standard is not applicable to us, we have implemented a Premises Accessibility Standards Checklist to ensure accessibility for
persons with any physical, sensory, learning, developmental and/or mental health disabilities that cover the following areas:
An annual inspection will be conducted and areas that we have a direct control over, and without incurring substantial costs will be repaired
and/or retrofitted to accommodate persons with disabilities.
alarm systems,
accessible parking
fire and life safety,
general layout and services,
parking areas,
public washrooms,
signage and information systems, and
wall finishes